Graphic Design - Alexandra Tsoukis Identity - page title image

Alexandra Tsoukis


Alexandra Tsoukis / Elpida Panourgia
Graphic Design
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / Greece / 2016
For the Company / Client
Alexandra Tsoukis – Musician, Composer – Athens, Greece


Alexandra Tsoukis is a musician, composer and teacher based in Greece. Mrs Tsouki’s professional activity expands beyond her classical musical studies, as she has also written theatrical plays for children, composed the music for children’s plays of various playwrights and turned many poems of old and modern Greek poets into songs. What is more, she is the organizer of various educational programs and since 2009 to 2014 has been a production assistant at the International Festival of Religious Music of Patmos.


Our intention for the design of mrs Tsouki’s visual identity was to create a logo that depicts in the best way possible the musician’s classical style of work and her unique character. The final identity design depicts a piano, created with clean defined shapes with the first letters of her name in white and her full name in color underneath. This design depicts in the best way mrs Tsouki’s approach to work and life in general. All importance lies in simplicity and truth, if we have the courage to seek both.

Resources used

Digital Design
Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe Illustrator CC
Wacom Tablet

The Graphic Design