Story / Storyboard Illustrations
Elpida Panourgia
Editing & Animatic
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / TEI of Athens / Athens / Greece / 2010
Animatic Sounds
Elpida Panourgia
Story / Storyboard Illustrations
Elpida Panourgia
Editing & Animatic
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / TEI of Athens / Athens / Greece / 2010
Animatic Sounds
Elpida Panourgia
The true nature of real friendship.
Billy, a child like any other, lives in a big city and plays alone in a yard between four walls, because he has no one to play with. So, one day he comes up with the idea of making a little doll to be his teammate… a friend just the way he imagines and wants him to be. But, there is no true friendship without love, based only on need. Therefore, only when Billy draws a heart on his inanimate friend, does he come alive and they finally play together.
The storyboard and the animatic for The Teammate 2D animation film, was created in 2013 by Elpida Panourgia. The storyboard illustrations are very useful because they work as a visual map of the story of the film, while the animatic help us to visualize and understand the timing, story pacing and final look of the film.