Illustration - 84 Haiku Poems - page title image

84 Haiku Poems


Poets & Writers
Buson Taniguchi / Kikaku Takarai / Onitsura Uejima / Shiki Masaoka / Isha / Basho
Translation in Greek
Roumpi Theofanopoulou / Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / Athens / Greece / 2010


In this project, a big effort has been made in order to get the Greek audience be familiar with the Japanese poetry of haiku, poems with special nature, structure, meaning and philosophy. Those poems introduce the audience to a very different way of thinking and perceiving reality and for that reason many people who are accustomed to the modern culture, do not choose to read them or they do not even know their existence.

All the illustrations in this project are made with colors and clear abstract forms, with emphasis in the composition and shapes, in order to reflect and depict the meaning of the haiku poems, their simple philosophy about life and attract the interest of the Greek readers of all ages.

Resources used

Aquarelle colors and aquarelle colored pencils
A3 and A4 scanners
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Digital Printing
Handmade Installation

Haiku Poems Illustrations

The Printed Outcome