Storyboard - The Curtain - page title image

The Curtain


Story / Storyboard Illustrations
Elpida Panourgia
Video Editing & Animatic
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / Athens / Greece / 2016
Nick Panourgias


The invisible curtain that we create to protect us from strangers and the unknown.

The Story

Behind the curtain. That is the place where little Dorothy used to hide when a stranger would come to pay a visit to her family home. Strangers were perceived by the small child as unknown and fearsome dark creatures. Only when visitors were long gone from her home, Dorothy would step out from her hiding place, the curtain. But as the child grew up and became a young lady, those fears of the unknown continued to exist. The curtain that she created around herself is lifted by the hands of a stranger who is willing to help her obtain her freedom and see the world that exists outside the curtains.

The storyboard & animatic

This is a storyboard and an animatic created as an animation proposal, for a short animation film in process. The story is autobiographical and is based on true facts, as the director of the film used to be little Dorothy who runs and hides behind the curtains, invisible and real. What is more the character design is also based on old childhood photos.

The style of the film

At first, the animation pre-production began with the thought that the final video will be in 2D animation style. But in the process, we considered the potential of a hybrid 2D and 3D style would have on the final outcome of the film, as well as the diverse cinematic choices that the uses of 3D would give us in some specific shots.

The film will look like is painted and drawn in 2D style and the 3D elements would be rendered with toon shading in order to look as much 2D as possible.

Storyboard Development & Illustrations