Storyboard - The Journey Will Go On - page title image

The Journey will go on


Rania Panourgia
Storyboard Illustrations
Elpida Panourgia
Editing & Animatic
Elpida Panourgia
Traditional Chinese Music «The Moon Over Wall Gate in Frontier»
Narration in Greek
Rania Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / Inner Paths / Athens / Greece / 2018


Home is a place we feel we belong.

The Story

One beautiful day, in a small Chinese village in the far East, a big egg was found on the sea shore by a young fisherman. To the fisherman’s surprise, not long after he took the egg into his home, a small cute penguin with glasses was born. The penguin was very happy and energetic, and jumped all around the place. That is why the fisherman and the villagers named him Bongo Bongo. However, Bongo Bongo’s happiness started to fade as the time passed and the small penguin became depressed. The villagers, who cared deeply for the small penguin, took into consideration his feelings and let Bongo Bongo start his own journey in order to find a place that he can be happy. Bongo Bongo traveled and made a lot of friends on his way to finding his one true home. However, he did not feel happy and fulfilled until he reached a shore called “Forever Child”. Bongo Bongo started jumping again and being his true happy self, because he found the right place for him to call home. A place that he felt he belonged to.

The Storyboard & Animatic

The Journey Will Go On storyboard and animatic were created by Elpida Panourgia in 2018, based on the original story and script of Rania Panourgia. The edited storyboard images in combination with music, sound and the narration of the story by the writer herself, help the viewer emerge into Bongo Bongo’s journey and identify with the character.

Storyboard Development & Concept Art