Animation project - The Teammate - page title image

The Teammate


Story / Storyboard Artist
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia
Design / Layout / Concept Art / Backrounds
Elpida Panourgia
2D Traditional Animation
Elpida Panourgia
Photography / Coloring / Effects / Editing
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / TEI of Athens / Athens / Greece / 2010
Music (not original)
Chris Spheeris “Walk with me” / ” Where the angels fly”
Sound Design
Elpida Panourgia


The true nature of real friendship.


Billy, a child like any other, lives in a big city and plays alone in a yard between four walls, because he has no one to play with. So, one day he comes up with the idea of making a little doll to be his teammate… a friend just the way he imagines and wants him to be. But, there is no true friendship without love, based only on need. Therefore, only when Billy draws a heart on his inanimate friend, does he come alive and they finally play together.


Billy, is a child that lives in a neighborhood of a big city and plays football all alone in the yard. The need of companionship in the boy’s game is obvious. That is why he plays with the image of a small boy drawn on the wall. But this fact does not satisfy him. He wants a real teammate to play with. One day he comes up with a great idea. He will make a teammate for himself in order to have someone real to play with. Filled with enthusiasm, he runs to his room and starts to create his new friend. Many hours later Billy holds in his hands his new teammate. Immediately he runs down the stairs in order to play with his new friend in the yard. When the night falls, Billy returns upset to his room. All his efforts in order to have someone to play with, have failed. Before Billy puts his friend aside in order to sleep, he takes out of his pocket a colored crayon and draws a heart in the chest of his inanimate teammate, wishing he was real. During the night Billy experience a surprise as he wakes up and realizes that his new friend is gone. Full of anxiety he tries to find him. But when Billy arrives to the yard, his handmade friend is waiting in order to play with him. Billy cannot believe his eyes. His wish came true and now he finally has a real teammate to play with.

Programs & resources used

2D Traditional Animation
Drawing – Inking on paper
Concepts / 2D Background creation
Markers on paper
Coloring of the Animation Drawings
Adobe Photoshop CS4
Effects / Shadows / Lighting
Hand drawn on Paper / Adobe Photoshop CS4 & After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro



Award of Merit:
Animation, The Accolade Competition
19th November 2013
La Jolla, California, USA

Festivals & Screenings

Filme Short Film Festival:
Official Participation (shortlist)
10th May 2014
Kolossaion Theater, Thessaloniki, Greece

Creative Arts Film Festival 2013 Edition:
Official Participation (shortlist)
31st December 2013
Online festival

The Accolade Competition:
Official Participation (shortlist)
19th November 2013
La Jolla, California, USA

Poppy Jasper International Short Film Festival 2013:
Official Selection
10th November 2013
Granada Theater, Morgan Hill, CA

BeThere! Corfu Animation Festival:
Official Participation (shortlist)
29th March 2012
Corfu Island, Greece

AnimaSyros OpenHouse:
Film Screening
12th December 2011
AKTO, Athens, Greece
Animasyros Openhouse fb page

International Animation Festival “AnimaSyros 4.0”:
Official Participation (shortlist)
17th September 2011
Hermoupolis, Syros, Greece

Concept Designs & 2D Film Production