Graphic Design - Kyriakos Kokkinos - page title image

Kyriakos Kokkinos – Microscopic Dentistry


Kyriakos Kokkinos / Elpida Panourgia
Graphic Design
Elpida Panourgia
Elpida Panourgia / Greece / 2019
For the Company / Client
Kyriakos Kokkinos – Microscopic Dentistry company / Kyriakos Kokkinos Microscopic Dentist & Dental Surgeon DDS-DDT, Greece.


Kyriakos Kokkinos is a microscopic dentist and dental surgeon who uses tools of up-to-date technology to upgrade the dental services he provides to his clients and patients. What makes Kyriakos Kokkinos’ medical dental process unique, precise, efficient and fast is the use of a Dental Microscope. This medical dental process is called Microscopic Dentistry. For Kyriakos Kokkinos’ logo, we wanted to create a design that shows the dentist’s up-to-date approach to the dental medical process with the use of the microscope. For this reason, we created a clear-cut, modern depiction of a tooth, which is being enlarged with the help of a red circle – microscope lens. We also used the unconventional red color for some elements of the design, in order to create a visual connection of the logo and the surname of the dentist «Kokkinos», which in Greek means «red». The final logo is a very modern and clean design which represents in the best way Kyriakos Kokkinos’ up-to-date philosophy and modern dental services.

Resources used

Digital Design
Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Photoshop CC
Wacom Tablet

Kokkinos Graphic Design

The Online Outcome